Sustainability Policy

In todays world, to continue our lives in a healthy and high level of welfare, depends on us using the resources of our world and geography correctly, preserving and promoting our cultural heritage and passing it on to future generations, in other words, adopting a sustainable life.

ANEMON HOTEL MANİSA plays an active role in giving back to the planet and society by being deeply committed to sustainable development and value creation. In this context, ANEMON HOTEL MANİSA has identified four main topics for its future goals: Supporting its employees, taking customers into consideration in decision-making processes, innovating together with business partners, and acting together with the local people.

Additionally, ANEMON HOTEL MANİSA has supported waste reduction measures, local production and recycling on the food side; also it has adopted an environmentally friendly water, energy and waste management system in its facility buildings. As Nino Cave Suites, we are extremely proud to be a part of ANEMON HOTEL MANİSA Family, which has been carrying out sustainable development with a global strategy for many years, and we strive for change in environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health and safety issues in all areas of our hotel. We are taking actions. Within the scope of our sustainability practices and commitments;

  • As Nino Cave Suites, we aim to fulfill many of its commitments for universal sustainable development.
  • By 2023, we aim to become one of the hotels with the “Sustainable Tourism Certificate” in the sector by starting to implement the international GSTC (Global Sustaiable Tourism Council) Industry Criteria.
  • In our hotel, where we effectively implement a waste management system, the “T.R. We would like to proudly share that we have the “Zero Waste Certificate”. Moreover; To fulfill all environmental legal procedures and more in order to leave a clean and livable world to future generations; In addition, we would be very pleased to take actions to instill this awareness in all our suppliers. We continue to support our sustainability commitment above by taking the following actions:
  • Our hotel respects all our differences; ensures the health, safety and welfare of all our employees; We support their career and personal development.
  • We take immediate action when suspicious activities involving children are witnessed in our hotel.
  • We take care to effectively separate waste according to its source, groups and hazard classes in all areas of our hotel.
  • With the pride we feel in being in the most central location of Cappadocia, we protect the culture of our country and take actions to raise awareness of our guests to help them experience the surrounding areas better.
  • The suppliers we purchase from are environmentally friendly, local, and attach importance to ethical values; We make sure that it is a domestic and local production/service provider.
  • With social responsibility awareness, we support our neighbors and Non-Governmental Organizations and develop projects that create added value.

We believe that we, with all suppliers, have a duty in this journey we embark on together for a sustainable world, and we undertake to take the necessary actions for sustainable development, taking into account the balance of protecting and using the natural, cultural and social elements that are the supply sources of our sector, without being limited to the studies mentioned above.